A Hosah Scientific-Cultural Theology of Sacred Air
Science, Simalungun Culture, and Christianity in Constructive Trialogue
hosah, myth, trialogical method, constructive theology, Simalungun, air, Holy Spirit, scienceAbstract
This study aims to develop a constructive theology of hosah through an interdisciplinary approach. The research involves a scientific understanding of air, the Simalungun cultural concept of hosah, and Christian theology of the Holy Spirit. It employs a trialogical method consisting of two stages, namely, descriptive-comparative and normative-constructive. The first stage explains the concepts of air, hosah, and Spirit from scientific, cultural, and theological perspectives, respectively. The second stage focuses on constructing a theology of hosah. The results of this trialogue critically analyze, enrich, and revise these concepts. Overall, the study concludes that air is more than just a gaseous compound; it is a sacred altar of life.
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